Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Crafting of a Star

The Crafting of a Star

Now it's time
for your work to begin.
How you know…
only something tells you
that right now,
three o'clock on Thursday,
it is time to start.
What tools you gather
for the work at hand
are few, simple.
You are an artisan,
trusted by strangers;
the fabled smith
who relies on instinct
as much as skill,
producing a brilliant
as seen only in
unearthly realms.
In night-light it glimmers,
luminary and warm -
a vernacular tribute
to timeless Neverland.
It is an undertaking of hope,
an impossible design,
miracle in demiurgic dazzle.
And now underway, I see it.
I know why this time,
beyond punctuality, called
to your pursuit;
lured you to launch
this crafting of gossamer yarn
for subjects of heavenly meadows
and yearning dimensions
to fondle, untinctured
in wakeless ambling.
Why this moment,
chosen of itself,
is the only possible marker
among elusive continuance
for an illusioned diamond to be cut;
for an intangible gleam to be forged;
for fantastic flax to spin
from the bobbin of the instant.

(c) Tasha Chinnock 2006

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