Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Own Walk

My Own Walk

I came where I did not belong
I forced my way over the line
For, who put up this keep out sign?
As if its presence makes me wrong.

Breathing, I squinched my eyes shut tight
One motion later there I stood
Where no one cared for ought or should
Or had capacity to slight

My character or taint my worth
I was not owned and none controlled
My words or thoughts, however bold.
I found there my selfish rebirth.

And now in glancing back I see
The sign is printed on both sides
The sentinel of each derides
The other as unfit for me.

So, even though the way divides
And each side boasts its sacrament
I am not forced to circumvent
Or be confined to either side.

(c) Tasha Chinnock 2006

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