Thursday, October 05, 2006



You fatuous coot -
Perverted geezer -
A series of failures
Made you famous.
You are desireable
To a set of lost children:
Whiskey slurping, unshowered
Intellectuals with more potential
than they want or admit, and
Women 40 years younger
With breasts you never could have had
When you were their peer.
To love you is insanity -
You are ugly and foul,
Your heart is dismal
And your breath is surely rotten;
But you have something
So rare, so honest, so smart
That makes us admire you,
Emulate you,
Build great monuments
And small poems
In your honor.
You have nothing to offer
But your sad originality,
And for that, we worship you.

(c) Tasha Chinnock

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