Thursday, October 05, 2006



I am a secret
Hiding like a crawdad
I can only be whispered
Or gestured, implied
Chameleon colors
More like armor than camouflage
I have a spy glass
That looks far and deep
Through the little peep hole on the door
A hermit, a shrew
Secluded newt
Albino under a rock
Buried in sand like a toad
Watching eyes like the unseen alligator
Quiet as a wart
Covered in cotton
I walk, unheard, like a brave
To the cracked closet door
I am a shadow
Not worth noticing
Unrecalled, subconscious
But to those aware I am
Locked away ignominious
Dangerously veracious
An asp in fragile digs.

(c) Tasha Chinnock

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