Thursday, October 05, 2006

walking away

walking away

You come to me,
pain in your hand,
see if I
can understand.
I want you to
see me like that -
a body in clothes,
mysterious chat.

Where can this affair go?
In the end, who knows?
Will it be love
or the death of my soul?

You followed me
home from the show,
you waited there
outside the store.
You called me with
nervous amours
and everyone
wondered what for?

Why did you do this?
Why put me through this
sunny illusion,
mirrors and smoke?

Then go ahead,
tell me its done.
I never was
the real one,
Go forward now
following hope
and dont look back
over your shoulder.

Ive made a full circle
since walking away now.
I wound up behind you,
watching you shine.

I dont have to be here
besmeared by your future.
Ive got my own
I could turn to, I know.

Just look back once -
show me you know
how hard it was
letting you go.
Dont say a word -
Ive got your pain
right here now
and it stays.

(c) Tasha Chinnock 2006

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